Challenges facing private schools make it extremely difficult to keep them thriving and competitive. We studied what these challenges are, as well as uncover strategies to overcome them. We are pleased to share this study with you!
The 5 greatest challenges facing private school administrators:
1. Competition
2. Parental Engagement
3. Communication
4. Pitfalls of Technology
5. Inefficiencies
Challenge #1: Competition
Competition is beneficial to a school and to students in ensuring that all schools strive to improve student outcomes, advance technology, and maintain facilities. However, it can make an administrators job even more stressful and demanding as they try to maintain a competitive edge. “Every private school is looking for a competitive edge so they can attract the top tier of kids” ~Sandra Bass, Private School Insider~
Challenge #2: Parental Engagement
The parents of private school students tend to be extremely committed to having a say in their child’s education. 36% of teachers say they often come across parents who need ‘constant reassurance’. Interacting with faculty, students, the community, policymakers, and parents can be stressful and demanding for administrators.
Challenge #3: Communication
The majority of contact parents have with schools takes place in a rush at the end of the school day. Parents were asked what type of communication they needed to feel more in touch and involved with the school and their child’s learning process. Participants wanted a better understanding of:
+ The grading system
+ Homework assignments and ways to help with homework
+ Progress reports or early warnings of academic difficulties
+ Test dates and results
+ Extracurricular activities
Challenge #4: Pitfalls of technology
Rampant viruses, malware, human error, and other technology issues are prevalent in schools. The costs for technical services, lost productivity, and the value of lost data average $3,957 for each incident. If data is permanently lost, the average costs are estimated to be amuch higher $20,557.
Challenge #5: Inefficiencies
The lack of effective continued training makes it difficult for teachers to find a place for integrative technology in their classrooms. Office staff continue to be burdened with paper-work and retyping data. Teachers complain they do not have the support personnel or training they need to take advantage of current technologies. Investments in technology don’t promise the returns and benefits expected.
Let us know your feedback on these and any other challenges you’re facing at your school.